Monday, November 18, 2013

Guess what?!

I'm baaaacccckkk!!! It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without some fun posts to read through lol (RIP Aaliyah)  So I've been kinda...a little bit...very absent from the blog despite being harassed by Lady C to post something, I just didn't feel like it. It's not that I didn't have anything to say. I ALWAYS have things to say, but I didn't want to get on a computer to post things because I look at a computer for over 8 hours a day at work and the last thing I want to do is be on the computer anymore once I get home. 

Well today I felt inspired. No, not to get on the computer anymore (bye Ashy!), but to look for an app that I can use on my phone to post. And I found one! Yay! Happiness! So now I can share my thoughts with the masses from my phone without spending even more time on a computer. It's actually pretty sad that it's taken me this long to find the app since I consider myself pretty savvy about technology and new apps (especially ones for productivity), but I am also lazy. I don't deny it, I embrace it! Did you know lazy people are actually the most productive, because they try to find the easiest way to accomplish things.  Don't believe me? Google it! Why else would we have pajama jeans and snuggies?! Think about it! Random tangent, but that's just how I roll. 

I'm back and will be posting more regularly than zero times in like a year. Yay!! You know you love it! I know I do :)

-Miss V

Product Junkiesm

Happy New Year! Yes the title contains a made up word. Wanna fight about it?! Lol The picture was of my hair product...collection/stash. I posted this on Instagram and some people were impressed by the organization of it (I'm a bit obsessive about things being organized), some people wanted to be my friend so they could try the products (moochers! Lol), many people wanted to know if I use all of the products (I have but I mostly stick to my staple products) but most people thought I had a problem...and I guess I kinda do. 

I am a product junkie and not stage 1 or 2, but a full-fledged junkie. I love shopping, finding deals and trying new products. It's rare to find samples of products (though not impossible if you look online), so I've found that it's just easier for me to buy them. Then if I find a couple of products that work for me, I just buy the entire line which is why you see so many Oyin Hamade and Shea Moisture products. I've given away a lot of products especially when I made the transition to products with all natural ingredients (except for a select few items like the Aphogee protein and keratin products). 

I also go through phases which my collection reflects. For a short period of time, I was a mixtress inspired by many a YouTube video, blog, or forum. I would make my own products and some came out great, others were disasters. Through this phase, I collected many butters, oils, powders, and other natural ingredients like ACV, EVOO, aloe Vera juice/gel, and the list goes on. Then I got tired of that, so I just started buying products instead of making them.

My collection tells a story similar to that of many other newly natural ladies (I'm not that new to being natural, but the point still remains), that it is a process to find what products work for your hair and lifestyle. And throughout your journey, what may have worked before, may not work as well or you may find something better. TI think I've found what works for me now after 5 years (I'll make another post about products and my regimen), but I know it'll change again, because I'll see some new product that I want to try or the products that work now may not work the same because they change the formula or my hair gets accustomed to it.  

So one of my resolutions for 2014 is to not buy ANY hair products. Zip. Zero, because I have plenty and it will force me to use what I have instead of buying more stuff. I did however make my yearly Oyin Black Friday purchase because of the discount to get a lot of my staples...and bought some (lots) is Shea moisture products on sale so I don't run out! Hey don't judge me, just the thought of running out of sometjing gives me palpitations lol. This is going to be my toughest challenge yet!