Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why Wednesday?!

Why am I exhausted…from eating food?

Why is it because being social exhausts the hell out of me?

Why am I loving restaurant week, but want it to be over, so I can rejuvenate (i.e. be by my damn self)?

Why is there only one more day left and I can’t wait?

Why will we be dining at one of the finest dining establishments in Austin (no really!), so we have to dress up?

Why does the thought of the fish fry this weekend makes me even more exhausted?

Why did I decide to make a cake after this long week?

Why did I go to HEB yesterday to get all the ingredients and grocery shop before dinner (Austin Restaurant Week Day 3) and still forgot stuff even though I made a second trip back in the store, because I forgot something else?

Why am I upset about having to go back a third time because I know I'll forget something else?

Why did I try oysters for the first time and yea…not for me?

Why would you want to eat something that you can’t chew anyway (#PAUSE)?

Why do people make a big deal over oysters anyway?

Why am I thinking of taking up wine (even though I hate the taste) as it is a big topic of conversation among most people?

Why did I coworker mention this one wine she liked….MOSCATO and I almost laughed because that ish is mentioned in every rap song (and she doesn't look like the person who listens to rap?

Why haven’t I tried it yet though?

Why are some people insistent on hugging (and I HATE it, especially from people I don’t know that well or aren’t particularly fond of)?

Why did some of my coworkers get so messed up at the last happy hour?

Why did one guy bite (yes BITE) another dude’s neck (I don’t think he’s gay, but I do think he thinks he’s a vampire lol)?

Why did the other dude jump back like WTH?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Natural Hair Boredom

You'll understand the pictures once you read the post. My feelings coincide more with the picture on the left though...

I don't know when it started or if it's just temporary, but I am bored, BORED out of my mind with my hair. I know natural hair is more versatile than relaxed hair, but I typically always do the same styles, first it was twist-outs, now braid-outs and I'm tired of them. I should also add that I'm pretty lazy as well, so I have not been keeping up with my hair regimen as I should. I even have spreadsheets with when to wash, oil, protein treat, etc to my hair on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis (Lady C has seen them). I also put these things on my calendar, so I get reminders of what to do when, but alas I just ignore them and do what I want when I feel like it (whatever whatever I do what I want!- Cartman of South Park).

The last time I was this bored with my hair was around the time all of black Hollywood was shaving off one (or both) sides of their hair and I wanted to do that. I decided on a Mohawk because at least that would be more even and I've seen naturals successfully pull it off. I didn't cut my hair (that's crazy talk!), but I had my sister cornrow the sides of my hair up and I did some twists on the middle part of my hair, untwisted it in the morning and pinned it up and voila a faux-hawk was born. I liked first, but looking back at the pictures (which will NOT be posted EVER lol), I now see it was not the business AT ALL. I'm glad, I didn't go berserk and actually cut my hair (my sides grow slower as it is)! But I now have a permanent (well kinda) memory of that hairstyle that cannot just be forgotten...

During my last hair-boredom-phase, I was bombarded at work RIGHT after coming back from lunch for our i.d. photos. I looked at my coworker with the camera like she was crazy talking about a picture with NO warning or nothing. I almost left her there looking crazy until my supervisor assured me it was no joke and we HAD to take the picture. We hadn't had damn i.d.'s in the two years I worked there before and NOW they just HAD to take them? *Sideeye* I was pissed, and I got even more pissed when I got the i.d. with the picture on it. I wanted to cut the photographer and the other heifer who was there who didn't tell me my hair was straight jacked. Every time I see that picture (which will STAY hidden behind my work access card), I just smh because in addition to that style not being the business in general on me, it was windy outside that day (yes I remember, don't judge me!), so it looked WORSE than it normally looked, because some pieces were out of place. To give you a mental picture, I looked like a black version of Krusty the clown's sidekick with the damn bone, Mel, or Sideshow Bob's brother, Cecil (yes! this IS a Simpsons reference too GET OVER IT!).

So that's my last experience when I was bored with my hair and acted on it. I know there are ways to jazz your hair up with hair flowers, clips and color, but I want something more drastic! But I'm scared because of my last foray into something different (smdh...I just can't...). Le sigh, I guess I just need to get some braids or kinky twists until this phase passes, so I won't have another hair regret.

Has anyone else had a similar hair regret or story? Sharing is caring :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Wednesday ATL Style lol!

Hiya all, NBT are taking over ATL for a few days, but it's not gonna stop us from whying, so here we go....

Why are we just now posting why's at noon?
Why did I plan to post why's at midnight, but got distracted?
Why did I wait till the last minute to pack and still was able to remember everything minus socks and nail polish?
Why did me and Lady C carry-on huge bags and everyone else was giving us major side eye?
Why was everyone able to get their crap in the overhead bins, so I didn't care?
Why did I pack so much stuff for 5 days?
Why is the ATL airport so big and confusing?
Why haven't I slept in close to 24 hours and I'm ok...for now?
Why am I starving but Dutchess is on my ass about these whys, so I figured I'd better post something before I go eat?
Why did I make thru security without getting stopped (a new record) and they asked was Lady C's bag mine and I was QUICK to say NOPE? lol
Why did I throw candy and plastic eggs filled with candy at my coworker yesterday for the better part of the day?
Why will I be back later because I'm sure we'll have more to why about?