*I found this picture by searching via google, because I did not see a picture of the particular package that I have*
Hello again, I have another review about a product that I've seen on infomercials for years and obsessed about for a while until I finally treated myself and shelled out almost $150 for a package similar to the one above except I also got the Velcro-like rollers. the product I am referring to is the Maxiglide (doesn't it sound like a feminine product lol). You can find out more about the product by going to the website here.
I've used the Maxiglide a total of 3 times in the last 7 months as I'm trying to minimize the frequency and amount of heat I put on my hair. My most recent attempt was the best thus far due to trial and error on the 2 previous tries.
For my first attempt, I let my hair air-dry with little stretching and used the maxi-glide on setting 6 or 7 and a heat protectant because I was terrified of heat damage. Well the result was a hot poofy mess. It was more stretched out, but I did not have the results I desired (the relaxed look) that I saw from other naturals, so I mostly just wore a bun until I washed it. (Sorry no picture :( )
My second attempt was better, I used a setting of 7-8 after some blow-drying with cool air and it looked kinda good. Thick and kinda puffy, then I took a steaming how shower (that is some hard work and I was tired)...I know! My BAD! SMH So again a puffy frizzy mess; my little shower cap did nothing! So again I wore a bun until I washed my hair again.

This first picture is comparing the side I've used the Maxiglide on to the side that I just blowdryed.

The final product of my hair on my second attempt. Excuse the crappiness of the pictures, as I used my old camera phone :(
My latest attempt came out great. AWESOME! I used the TRESemme Heat Protectant while blow-drying and simultaneously stretching the hair by combing throught the hair with the Tangle Teezer (see my review here). I then used ION Heat Protectant before using the Maxiglide (setting 8) on small sections of my hair then finished each section with the Split-Ender (review to come shortly). This process took a WHILE (READ: HOURS!!), but the results were AMAZING! I made sure not to make the same mistakes as before, so no steaming hot shower immediately after. I rocked my hair in a number of styles including down (not too much though), in a cheerleader pony tail or bun, depending on the weather and my mood.

*Two views of my most recent Maxiglide attempt. My hair looked flatter and had more of a "relaxed look," after wrapping it every night as compared to the prior attempt. I kept it up for 2 weeks, and just washed it out.*
So I do like the Maxiglide (it works), but in order to get that relaxed look, I have to use a pretty high setting (8 out of 10!) and blow dry before using the Maxiglide which is A LOT of heat. Thank goodness, I only straighten my hair to do length checks and trim damaged ends (as far as I know, the split ender can only be used on straight hair, correct me if I'm wrong!).This may not be the case for all hair types, but for more tightly coiled naturals this amount of heat might be necessary. I'm still working to perfect my straightening method making small alterations like lower the setting from 8 to 7, to see how things turn out next time.
Regarding heat damage, I have not experienced it, but it still kinda freaks me out, so I apply heat I use (probably overuse) heat protectant, do a deep condition and protein treatment before applying heat, and this last time I deep conditioned, used porosity control shampoo and conditioner AND Aphogee Keratin Reconstructer when I washed my hair.
*Note: I was not paid in any way to give this review, though I would not be opposed to compensation ;) If you wanna pay me, who am I to refuse money for liking and writing about a product I like. Get at me! lol*
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