Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why Wednesday?!

Why did this picture remind me of the track I found on the ground outside a beauty supply store in Austin?
Why am I wondering what happened here?
Why am I sure Dutchess has an explanation?
Why is today moving day?
Why am I so excited?
Why do I have so much stuff?
Why did I go and measure and take pics of the apartment to make sure my stuff will fit?
Why am I just realizing that I need more white guy friends?
Why was some guy I barely know willing to help me move (I declined of course) because it would save me some money?
Why was he not bothered by me moving to the third floor?
Why would ninjas be side eyeing me like I was crazy?
Why is my phone just crappy?
Why do I screen all calls and if I don't recognize the number, I won't answer?
Why should all people do this to avoid unwanted and awkward conversations?
Why am I ready to get this show (moving) on the road?
Why am I excited about but may miss out on the whys of today?


dutchess said...

Why do I have a few mins before leaving to post some whys?
Why was I very skeptical about college after going to my second two classes?
Why was there ALOT of reading and writing involved?
Why am I the only black in one of my classes?
Why was I very bothered considering how many ninjas are walking around on campus?
Why are there no more than 5 blk ppl in any of the other classes?
Why was i sideeyeing that?
Why will this get me prepared for the university?
Why am I thinking blk ppl need to get educated?
Why for the month of August have i lost 5.2 lbs?
Why was I very disappointed at first?
Why then did i go on to realize that i still have 3 months til the wedding and if i continue on this road will have lost 20 lbs which ppl can see?!
Why was that sentence so long? lol
Why then did i get motivated to keep it up?
Why is losing weight a lifestyle not just something to do?
Why alot of times do people forget this?
Why is so much food bad for you?
Why do i need to start typing more grammatical considering Im starting a grammar class?
Why will I probably continue on the road im traveling due to my mind will need a break?
Why was parking RIDICULOUS these last 2 days?
Why was i temtpted to try and jump the curb and damage my car bc i was tired of circling and circling?
Why does God favor me?
Why is my math professor old but real funny and laid back :) ?
Why do I think I wont have any issues in his class?
Why am I excited that Miss V moving?
Why would I have let anyone help me move for free as I dont care?
Why will Miss V NEVER speak of incident in Austin again? lol
Why is that a hot mess on the hood of a car?
WHy have they stumped me with this pure niggatry?
Why will I let someone else post their whys LOL ?

dutchess said...

why have there not been any more whys?
Why am I having to give a presentation and write a 2-3 page paper on a current event that affects texas?
Why am I sad that my last name isnt in the "s" any more?
Why did god show favor unto me at least 2x today?!
Why am i so grateful?
Why did I have to take a tour of the library for ENGLISH?
Why were there 5 ppl doing the tour and she was excited saying this is a big crowd?
Why was everything in the library pretty standard?
Why was this supposed to make me want to go in there more often?
Why will I have to write a 2-3 page paper on the tour for my english teacher to gage my strengths & weaknesses?
Why wasnt there any more topics to be written about?
Why did i smh?
Why was i like really, college?
Why is my math class by far the BEST this semester?

Miss V said...

Why didn't I realize I have so much stuff?
Why do I have lots of seating area and I'm not social?
Why can I sit a family or group of fifteen comfortably?
Why did I feel awkward when the movers were moving stuff as I didn't know what to do with myself?
Why were they cool though especially this one guy?
Why was he a cute hispanic guy who was my height?
Why did that make him so much hotter?
Why did the apartment complex scare me (even more) about bed bugs?
Why do I have a 4 step plan in my fight against insects in my place that almost killed me tonight?
Why am I only up to step 2?
Why am I concerned for my well-being for the other 2 steps?
Why do I think I may need a step 5 just in case?
Why will I be so sad and traumatized if I find bugs after all my money and effort?
Why do I wish I could stay here to unpack my apartment in stages?
Why was I overwhelmed once I saw everything in the apartment?
Why was I like uh not gonna happen today?
Why was I tired when I wasn't the one doing all the moving?
Why does Lady C have no excuse for not posting more whys?
Why do I wanna see more whys?

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