Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why Wednesday?!

Why do ninjas surprised when they get beat at their own game?
Why do short ninjas piss me off, but I am bored enough to tolerate them to see Captain America?
Why have I been talking about seeing this movie for weeks now?
Why do I know Lady C and Dutchess will be happy once I see the movie so I can stop talking about it?
Why did I not get to see it to night and instead saw Friends With Benefits?
Why did I not realize that Friends With Benefits would be a chick flick?
Why was the ticket price at the rinky a$$ theater I went to astronomical?
Why am I too pissed to even look for a picture for today's post?
Why am I too pissed for words right now?
Why would be livid be an understatement for how I feel right now?
Why are we always told to give people the benefit of the doubt?
Why does this ALWAYS make you look stupid in the end?
Why can I not think of a time right now where that faulty advice worked for the best?
Why is my judgement probably clouded because I'm so angry?
Why do Lady C and Dutchess not even know what I'm talking about?
Why is optimism and looking past a person's past (faults) for the damn birds?
Why do I feel more stupid than angry because despite my instincts I fed into the faulty advice trying to be a better person and I'm looking the fool now?
Why am I more mad at myself for going against my better judgement?
Why does taking most people's advice always prove to be detrimental to me?
Why do I want to address people who freely say this $h!t a swift kick in the balls/groin area?
Why do I know if I told them the situation, the response would always be "well at least you tried" or "forgive and forget" or some other shullbit instead of correctly stating that they were dead a$$ wrong?
Why am I just gonna say fuck it and do what I wanna do because I'm tired of the disappointment?
Why am I to the point to where I'm just like what's the point?
Why will I probably be MIA until I figure all this out?
Why am I done with this why wendesday and I hope everyone else can keeps things going on a happier note?


dutchess said...

Why am I ready to get these bad a$$ micros?
Why is it bright & early but I don't mind bc I'll be cuter, sooner?
Why do I love micros for the fact that 3-5 months I don't have to do anything to my hair?
Why is my child going to a house ranch to pet animals today as a feild trip but its still $8?
Why am I counting down the days until she starts kindergarten?
Why does she have to take an adaptive learning test beforehand?
Why does it seem kinda questionable?
Why is getting health insurance so expensive?
Why have people been sayn that for years but I never paid attention?
Why did I get my college id & parking pass?
Why was I grinning from ear to ear?
Why did I also receive my renewed sideways license in the mail?
Why was I crunk?
Why does that mean without checking the birth year, that I'm over 21?
Why have I BEEN over 21 just didn't want to pay to get another license until renewal time?
Why did I start walking 2 miles yesterday?
Why am I now pledging to drinking 4 glasses of water each day instead of normal none?
Why do I already feel better?
Why will I look like a student before its said & done?
Why is the wedding being 4 months away a good target?
Why have I been trying to lose weight but never had a deadline?
Why am I gon rest of these why's while I wait for this late lady for these micros? #slightlybothered

dutchess said...

Why has there been no more whys?
Why was I so busy today?
Why did we have a big ordeal and I almost not get my hair done?
Why was I contemplating driving to Houston this morning bc that's how serious I was about them micros?
Why did I finally get in the chair @ 9am but left @ 1230pm (3.5 hrs)?
Why was ole girl not playing when i threatened to take this money elsewhere?
Why do ninjas have to be threatened?
Why did she have me down for tomorrow?
Why had she initially given me the date/time?
Why do the blacks have to be so unprofessional?
Why does my hair look bad A$$ now though?
Why am I already receiving compliments?
Why was this day 3 of 2 mile walking?
Why was it 1pm when i went today and i thought i was gonna die?
Why was there NOBODY else in sight lol?
Why did i drink 6 glasses of water today (whoop whoop)?
Why should I have told Lady C the registration office doesn't play on any day?
Why will I be in somebodys line this month getting my inspection done?
Why oh why?
Why am i gettn ready to call it a night?
Why will I be back up @630am to get the kids to daycare and 2 more miles?
Why is Miss V not even taking phone calls?
Why does it seem like she is truly MIA?

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