Why could I only smh at this picture?
Why does he have colored contacts to boot?
Why is he doing that sexy lip thing which is not the business given the atrocity that is his hair?
Why does he think this is what's hot in the streets?
Why am I more mad at whoever did his hair AND told him it was cute?
Why do I think we should find pictures like this instead of question marks which were starting to get boring?
Why am I still awake?
Why did I almost have to go off on the cleaning lady?
Why did I wake up late, so I was here when she came?
Why did I ask her if she could come right back, so I could put some stuff away (to get it out of her way) and so I wouldn't be in the way?
Why did she say she couldn't that day?
Why couldn't this heifer go next door then come back?
Why did I say ok come on in then (shaming her)?
Why did she keep asking me if I wanted stuff done and I replied yes to every single thing?
Why did she ask because if I hadn't been there, she would have had to do it anyway?
Why was I too through with her that day?
Why do I hope we have some funny whys today (if you have none just look at the pic above and something will come to mind lol)?
Why would anyone think that hairstyle is cute?
Why did they take "snacking" to a whole new level?
Why am I wondering how it stays, not like it matters?
Why am I smh as well?
Why is that such a bad look for the youth?
Why is chris browns video "take you down" like omg yummy?!
Why does that remind me that of the HILARIOUS term "chris browed"?
Why do I think him hitting rhianna wasn't THAT bad?
Why do I think that is bound to happen when dating kinda thug dudes?
Why does he have a freestyle about being tatted like a mexi?
Why does it then go on to say d*$m I think I'm sexi?!
Why, why, why? #inappropriate
Why am I loving single ladies?
Why does that make me run to the tv on Monday nights?
Why will I be getting my car back FINALLY today after 2 long weeks?
Why have I missed her?
Why do I also like the new car I'm driving but dont like the price?
Why am I also ready to laugh? #leggo
Why did I see a story similar to Lady C but the teacher posted a pic of the little girl on fb making fun of her mom (and her) instead of cutting the girl's hair?
Why is the mother suing in that case as well?
Why do I hope that either teacher gets fired?
Why do I have no hope when it comes to dating?
Why did my mom say she can't see me with a black man?
Why have my limited interactions with black men lead me to believe that she may be right?
Why do I cringe when white men say they LOVE black women as if they are a fetish or something?
Why am I NOT trying to be somebody's "experiment" with the swirl?
Why am I hoping my attitude changes since I'm in Hotlanta?
Why am I so excited about seeing Captain America?
Why did I wanna go to Poochiez paws to get my nails done, but decided against it since it's 16 miles away?
Why am I gonna go somewhere closer to save gas?
Why do I hope they do good ass designs there?
Why does Tiny (T.I.'s wife) have a nail salon?
Why will Lady C and Dutchess be accompanying me there just to say we went?
Why am I so proud of Dutchess?
Why will I be back later?
Why am I just now getting to re-why again LOL?
Why are my children sleep so this is my ADULT time lol?
Why does my life seem to be so hectic?
Why was I crunk about giving my 2 week notice?
Why then did I get my emotional when my branch manager & assistant try to encourage me?
Why did it make my heart smile?
Why did it make me think AGAIN that whites value education where as blacks not so much?
Why do women like to keep other women oppressed?
Why BLACK women at that?
Why not encourage everyone to want/do better for their life?
Why did I have to live a little to see that education does play a major role in "life"?
Why am I happy that at least the lesson was learned?
Why was I supposed to get my beloved car back today, and 20 mins before, they called to tell me its not ready?
Why had I just filled the car back up the the 5/8 with gas ($10) just for me to drive some more today so will have to stop again in the morning?
Why did that have me ready to return the impala as is?
Why would I cringe at any extra fees though?
Why start making payments on a car for 1 yr to then return it and lease an identical car just different color?
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