Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Wednesday ATL Style lol!

Hiya all, NBT are taking over ATL for a few days, but it's not gonna stop us from whying, so here we go....

Why are we just now posting why's at noon?
Why did I plan to post why's at midnight, but got distracted?
Why did I wait till the last minute to pack and still was able to remember everything minus socks and nail polish?
Why did me and Lady C carry-on huge bags and everyone else was giving us major side eye?
Why was everyone able to get their crap in the overhead bins, so I didn't care?
Why did I pack so much stuff for 5 days?
Why is the ATL airport so big and confusing?
Why haven't I slept in close to 24 hours and I'm ok...for now?
Why am I starving but Dutchess is on my ass about these whys, so I figured I'd better post something before I go eat?
Why did I make thru security without getting stopped (a new record) and they asked was Lady C's bag mine and I was QUICK to say NOPE? lol
Why did I throw candy and plastic eggs filled with candy at my coworker yesterday for the better part of the day?
Why will I be back later because I'm sure we'll have more to why about?


dutchess said...

Why are Miss V & Lady C slacking just bc they on vacation?
Why am I hating bc I'm stuck at boring ole work?
Why do I feel like they are rubbing it in my face today as well as the rest of vacation I'm sure?
Why on Monday couldn't anyone be my lunchdate, when I was payin?
Why was I seriously offended?
Why did people tell me they could have if I would've asked them?
Why would I after being shot down 5 times?
Why is whataburger on my questionable resturant list now?
Why did I asked for ONE bbq sauce packet & they wanted to charge me $.49?
Why did I offer to exchange my ketchup & they said I still would be charged?
Why did the TAMU girls do excellent but people are STILL talking about it?
Why has 98% of fb posts been about that?
Why am I wanting to unfriend them?
Why am I gon let someone else post some questions?

Valrstar said...

Why do I have the itis after eating at Panera?
Why is the lack of sleep finally catching up with me now?
Why am I typing these on my blackberry?
Why are we gonna have to stop at starbucks or go back to the hotel, so I can take a nap?
Why are my eyes crossing I'm so tired right about now?
Why are we having trouble finding something to do now?
Why were not able to go to this place that had awesome reviews because they are only open from 11-3 daily?
Why did I almost die laughing after finally watching Kevin Hart's Seriously Funny?
Why did I just sleep on this?
Why is Dutchess just being a hater?
Why won't she let TAMU be great?
Why will I be back later caffeinated or well rested?

dutchess said...

Why does TAMU have to be great & on my nerves?
Why did they shame coach blair by making him do the dougie?
Why were people supposed to meet at Reed Arena at 1:50pm to welcome the girls back?
Why would a place only be open from 11-3?
Why am I happy to b gettn off at 3:30pm #OHYEAH!!???
Why am I wanting to start goin to Aggie night bingo to have some young fun? LMBO
Why am I kinda sluggish even though I haven't been up 24 hrs?
Why is Kevin Hart HIL-ARIOUS?
Why do black people go overboard?
Why did a guy try to run in the bank but ran into the door? Asterical!!
Why did he then moan, like a baby back b...LOL?
Why couldn't I help him for wanting to BUST out laughing in his face?
Why are people full of themselves?
Why do "mature" people speak in third person #childish?

Valrstar said...

Why am I just seeing Dutchess's why's?
Why would I have been no good after seeing ole boy run into the door?
Why did we plan on going to dinner but I took a nap for 3 hours?
Why do I feel so much better now?
Why did a iced venti quad cocoa cappichino not help at all?
Why did I fall asleep on the car ride and was glad I didn't have to drive?
Why do I keep not sleeping before traveling when it's obviously not working for me?
Why was the aquarium AWESOME minus all the chirrens?
Why will we make tomorrow another adventure?
Why do I have a nice list of restaurants and bars to try thanks to a facebook friend in addition to what we already wanted to go?
Why is there a Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj concert Saturday that I want to attend?
Why have I found a number of areas that live up to my level of bougieness so may be potential "homes" for me?

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