Why am I exhausted…from eating food?
Why is it because being social exhausts the hell out of me?
Why am I loving restaurant week, but want it to be over, so I can rejuvenate (i.e. be by my damn self)?
Why is there only one more day left and I can’t wait?
Why will we be dining at one of the finest dining establishments in Austin (no really!), so we have to dress up?
Why does the thought of the fish fry this weekend makes me even more exhausted?
Why did I decide to make a cake after this long week?
Why did I go to HEB yesterday to get all the ingredients and grocery shop before dinner (Austin Restaurant Week Day 3) and still forgot stuff even though I made a second trip back in the store, because I forgot something else?
Why am I upset about having to go back a third time because I know I'll forget something else?
Why did I try oysters for the first time and yea…not for me?
Why would you want to eat something that you can’t chew anyway (#PAUSE)?
Why do people make a big deal over oysters anyway?
Why am I thinking of taking up wine (even though I hate the taste) as it is a big topic of conversation among most people?
Why did I coworker mention this one wine she liked….MOSCATO and I almost laughed because that ish is mentioned in every rap song (and she doesn't look like the person who listens to rap?
Why haven’t I tried it yet though?
Why are some people insistent on hugging (and I HATE it, especially from people I don’t know that well or aren’t particularly fond of)?
Why did some of my coworkers get so messed up at the last happy hour?
Why did one guy bite (yes BITE) another dude’s neck (I don’t think he’s gay, but I do think he thinks he’s a vampire lol)?
Why did the other dude jump back like WTH?
Why am I the ONLY mofo whying today?
Why are the other TWO commenters AWOL today?
Why did I find a wonderful new (to me) way to do two strand twists that result in a full-looking twist out?
Why am I just ready to get the front of my hair braided as it’s so much easier to deal with?
Why is applying for jobs so boring…and exhausting?
Why can’t places I want to work at just hire me…because I’m AWESOME?
Why did I see a creature creeping around work (not a guy, an animal….no really an actual animal lol) and I wasn’t sure what it was, but my instincts told me not to get too close?
Why was it pretty big (#pause), half black and half grey and I thought it was a raccoon, but I wasn’t sure (but I do know that raccoons are nocturnal and it was daytime, so if it was a raccoon, I better get away fast because it had rabies or some weird disease)?
Why did I have a fleeting sense that it was a possum which scared the ish out of me because I was chased home when I was younger on some scary movie ish (i.e. running, almost tripping, dropping keys and having difficulty opening the door as the crazy possum was chasing me)?
Why did my supervisor want to go out and see what it was and I was like I’ll watch from my desk and call for help if something pops off?
Why had she lost her mind?
Why did we figure out (here at work of course) that the random animal was a rock squirrel which are ground squirrels that don’t really climb trees and eat nuts, bugs and are fond of ….FLESH?
Why do they hunt down wild turkeys?
Why am I happy that I am sharing my wealth of squirrel knowledge with you?
Why did we find a board dedicated to squirrel sightings?
Why is there a forum, board, or website for everything?
Why do I dread coming to work DAILY bc of my coworkers?
Why did I laugh at a man being biten by another man #nohomo ? (Hilarious)
Why do I wanna tell mymale manager to suck balls?
Why is it my Thursday & I'm crunk!?
Why is fast five coming out Friday & I'm ready to see all the hotness?
Why did I eat pizza (for the first time) WITH a fork & knife :) ?
Why was I surprisingly happy with my nails not being greasy?
Why did I have deposit slips in my hand only to look down & a cricket was on my finger?
Why did I scream so loud (like a white girl) that everyone panicked?
Why did I take 6 aleve when it recommended 3 PER 24 HOURS?
Why did I suddenly panick once I read the instructions?
Why will I not be buying them anymore?
Why is Lady C not posting why's this am?
Why am I ready to read some more why's?
Why isn’t today over already?
Why am I so sleepy?
Why did I almost run when I saw a creature and I couldn’t tell if it was a cat or a flesh eating squirrel?
Why did I really not know that some people actually communicate with significant others solely through texts when they don’t see each other in person?
Why was I surprised that this happens?
Why was I more surprised that dudes can actually get some women’s “goods” with a few text messages?
Why hasn’t Lady C posted or responded to my messages to her about the lack of whys today?
Why does my car look like I live in the country as it is filthy?
Why am I too lazy to wash it myself as it takes forever and I don’t feel like going to a carwash?
Why do people think it’s odd for me to always be ready to call for help when in a scary situation rather than be “brave” and possibly be injured?
Why am I out of whys for now?
Why is this Why Wednesday so sad?
why did I have like 15 whys but closed my phone and therefore lost them ALL?
why was I pissed as hell?
why is this why Wednesday so sad & vague?
why are there ants in my house?
why am i very sad about the management of my duplex?
why do i think it should be a crime to get away with things the way they do?
why am i about to call the owners personal cell to try & get some answers?
why aren't my decisions the best?
why do business schedule by "appointment only", then turn around and dont uphold the appointed time?
why did i wait 16 mins to get into my appointment today?
why do they assume u have nothing else better to do?
why did i think lady c was MIA so i should be part owner of this site LOL?
why am i dreading washing dishes?
why does my place have a dishwasher that NEVER gets used?
why didnt i post these earlier?
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