Well today I felt inspired. No, not to get on the computer anymore (bye Ashy!), but to look for an app that I can use on my phone to post. And I found one! Yay! Happiness! So now I can share my thoughts with the masses from my phone without spending even more time on a computer. It's actually pretty sad that it's taken me this long to find the app since I consider myself pretty savvy about technology and new apps (especially ones for productivity), but I am also lazy. I don't deny it, I embrace it! Did you know lazy people are actually the most productive, because they try to find the easiest way to accomplish things. Don't believe me? Google it! Why else would we have pajama jeans and snuggies?! Think about it! Random tangent, but that's just how I roll.
I'm back and will be posting more regularly than zero times in like a year. Yay!! You know you love it! I know I do :)
-Miss V
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