Why haven't we whyd in 2 weeks?
Why do I plan to make up for it today (with your help of course)?
Why do I plan to have multiple pics because I'm a G and I can?
Why does Lady C get biggest G of the week for her Monday morning conversation?
Why are we about to get started?
Why do I not see the point of making up beds for this kids reason?
Why did this mom win MAJORLY?
Why should my mom have told me that?
Why do I not see the point of making up beds for this kids reason?
Why do I feel the same way about ironing clothes?
Why am I just lazy (yea I said it...now what)?
Why is the dad so right?
Why am I glad to know that some parents are doing their job?
Why does old boy sound like a simp?
Why was the dad probably right because of those damn twilight movies?
Why am I morally opposed to watching that crap?
Why is this so funny?
Why would I have probably tried to look up the movie?
Why is that a baller way to break up with someone, especially someone who loves movies?
Why does this really sound like a recent movie that I can't quite remember the name of?
Why would it be hilarious if they had this movie showing at movie theaters and it was like the rejection hotline?
Why is this so something I would do?
Why does incorrect grammar piss me off?
Why am I sure there are some typos in this post, but I still stand by my dislike of bad grammar?
Why is this person's name don't answer lol?
Why am I sure don't answer is an awesome person?
Why is this trick taking facebook stalking to a whole 'nother level?
Why is she mad because someone LIKED a status?
Why is it even that serious?
Why would she lie repeatedly?
Why did he keep asking?
Why do I think the mom may not like the girlfriend?
Why is the son letting his mom use his phone anyway?
Why do I think the mom is kinda awesome though?
Why do I think her coming over is NOT a good idea?
Why did I pmsl at this?
Why was this a WIN on the mom's part?
Why did the kid try to cap and just got SHAMED?
Why does this remind me of my mom?
Why will I be back later with some real whys?
Why had there BETTER be some more whys before I repost?
Why am I just kidding but not really, we've got to do better my people?
Why am I excited to take my first kickboxing class?
Why was I tempted to not pay my rent this month because I submitted a maintenance request that is being ignored?
Why are all these text msgs funny?
Why was today the last day of my Spring classes?
Why was I so excited?
Why do I have one final per day?
Why am I seriously considering getting Lady C to do my daughters hair?
Why am I tired of combing hair and washing clothes?
Why does laying in a freshly made bed feel so good?
Why did I use to make my bed up right before getting into it?
Why have I been enjoying my sims game to the max?
Why will I have 3 weeks off of class WITH my children?
Why will I be ready to start summer classes?
Why have I not felt like potty training my two year old? :(
Why have I ran out of time?
Why will I be back later?
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