Why am I gonna have to use the i love you one?
Why is that a total burn?
Why do doctors suck?
Why do doctors suck?
Why do they ask questions that any normal person (this excludes you Lady C lol) would not know?
Why did I call a ho early this morning after a ho called me?
Why did I go back to sleep after that?
Why am I doing whys again this week?
Why am I enjoying spring cleaning?
Why are there so many bees?
Why do I want to complain but I dont want to be THAT resident?
Why can't they just go away?
Why am I bored and I've run out of things to do?
Why have I still not filed my taxes?
Why was I gonna have my hair professionally trimmed but will do it myself after Lady C's experience?
Why did the mother remind me of the father next week?
Why are they probably married lol?
Why was that the perfect way of telling parents bad news?
Why do I hope to remember what has happened so I can have some more whys later?
Why did I chuckle at the baby vs test text?
Why would I have been "dont throw that around so lightly"?!
Why did the mom respond so calmly?
Why would I have went off?
Why would she be tazoring his girlfriend?
Why did I not get the i love you-vowel joke? smh
Why did I have a moment earlier to why but no whys had been posted?
Why has "what you not gon do" day started yet?
Why has today been busy but nice?
Why have I started on another detox since my body is rejecting the working out only?
Why did I go another 1.5 months only losing ONE pound?
Why was i mad?
Why was I so mad that I went on a hunt for a reasonable detox?
Why did I try to start the first one but my mind was like oh hell no?!
Why does this one allow beef two days out of the seven?
Why do I have to drink TEN bottles of water a day?!
Why was at first short changing myself guestimating I could only drink eight?
Why do I think my body is picking what will happen? lol
Why have I drank ten bottles both days? :)
Why have I already drank six and its not even dinner time yet?
Why am i ready for dinner though?
Why was I so glad The Sims have the ability to get married now?
Why am I anxiously awaiting the first arrival of a baby on the game?
Why does this mean more than 16 people can exist on the game?
Why am i wondering how many babies can be had?
Why am I making one sim garden until he dies so I can hurry and see the baby?
Why will I go to Crazy Cajun for some crawfish immediately after I weigh in finishing the detox?
Why does it feel like Im missing so much food?
Why did I have to file another complaint against Garlyn Shelton with the BBB because the first one was dismissed?
Why should it not take all that?
Why will they not ever be able to reimburse me for my headache and aggravation?
Why have I worked out the last two evenings?
Why do I prefer mornings?
Why does the gym feel hot and sweaty?
Why did I get a $10 giftcard for referring my mom to State Farm Insurance?
Why did I think about referring people via FB? lol, gotta get that money
Why did I hope other peoples day would be more eventful and full of whys?
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