Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why Wednesday?!

Why haven't we whyd in 2 weeks?
Why do I plan to make up for it today (with your help of course)?
Why do I plan to have multiple pics because I'm a G and I can?
Why does Lady C get biggest G of the week for her Monday morning conversation?
Why are we about to get started?

Why do I not see the point of making up beds for this kids reason?
Why did this mom win MAJORLY?
Why should my mom have told me that?
Why do I not see the point of making up beds for this kids reason?
Why do I feel the same way about ironing clothes?
Why am I just lazy (yea I said what)?

Why is the dad so right?
Why am I glad to know that some parents are doing their job?
Why does old boy sound like a simp?
Why was the dad probably right because of those damn twilight movies?
Why am I morally opposed to watching that crap?

Why is this so funny?
Why would I have probably tried to look up the movie?
Why is that a baller way to break up with someone, especially someone who loves movies?
Why does this really sound like a recent movie that I can't quite remember the name of?
Why would it be hilarious if they had this movie showing at movie theaters and it was like the rejection hotline?

Why is this so something I would do?
Why does incorrect grammar piss me off?
Why am I sure there are some typos in this post, but I still stand by my dislike of bad grammar?
Why is this person's name don't answer lol?
Why am I sure don't answer is an awesome person?

Why is this trick taking facebook stalking to a whole 'nother level?
Why is she mad because someone LIKED a status?
Why is it even that serious?
Why would she lie repeatedly?
Why did he keep asking?

Why do I think the mom may not like the girlfriend?
Why is the son letting his mom use his phone anyway?
Why do I think the mom is kinda awesome though?
Why do I think her coming over is NOT a good idea?

Why did I pmsl at this?
Why was this a WIN on the mom's part?
Why did the kid try to cap and just got SHAMED?
Why does this remind me of my mom?
Why will I be back later with some real whys?
Why had there BETTER be some more whys before I repost?
Why am I just kidding but not really, we've got to do better my people?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Why Wednesday?!

Why is this the best April fool's joke ever?
Why was she so excited?
Why should she have known the date and know better?
Why am I sure this is not the only April fools joke she fell for this year?
Why does she seem like an easy mark?
Why am I sad that I didnt make any April Fool's Day jokes (well Hoel is a joke lol)?

Why must I use this one too?
Why is that band name perfect for convos like these?

Why was this a major parental burn?
Why should the boy have responded with the weird sad face?
Why do parents know best (and I'm sure the dad was being honest)?
Why should all parents be like this instead of lying to their kids?

Why couldnt she handle the truth?
Why am I sure they had a great drunk convo?
Why was I ready to go off on a heifer yesterday who kept interrupting me?
Why did she call me back to answer my question but she had no idea what she was talking about?
Why did her tune change when I asked to speak to her supervisor?
Why did I have a fun convo with a ally bank rep yesterday?
Why do I think he was a gay?
Why did he spell my last name correctly and not put an e when I clearly pronounce it with an a?
Why was he so excited that he got it right?
Why did I explain that he's the only person who gets it right which made him feel better?
Why was I sad when he had to transfer me to someone else?
Why am I gonna just have to pay the IRS?
Why does this make me die a little inside?
Why am I scared not to, because the IRS is worse than the mafia?
Why should there be tons more whys?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why Wednesday?!

Why is autocorrect awesome?
Why am I gonna have to use the i love you one?
Why is that a total burn?
Why do doctors suck?
Why do they ask questions that any normal person (this excludes you Lady C lol) would not know?
Why did I call a ho early this morning after a ho called me?
Why did I go back to sleep after that?
Why am I doing whys again this week?
Why am I enjoying spring cleaning?
Why are there so many bees?
Why do I want to complain but I dont want to be THAT resident?
Why can't they just go away?
Why am I bored and I've run out of things to do?
Why have I still not filed my taxes?
Why was I gonna have my hair professionally trimmed but will do it myself after Lady C's experience?
Why did the mother remind me of the father next week?
Why are they probably married lol?
Why was that the perfect way of telling parents bad news?
Why do I hope to remember what has happened so I can have some more whys later?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why Wednesday?!

Why did I lol at these text convos?
Why was I like awesome dad?
Why did this remind me of the application on one of the last whys?
Why is that so true for McDonalds?
Why would a man of all people want a salad from McDonalds?
Why do I think he likes penis?
Why was the 3rd one so wrong?
Why were they just trying to be mean by saying you didn't say you love me?
Why am I going to use the friends one?
Why do I know someone who has been to anger management not once, not twice, not even three times, but FIFTEEN times?
Why will I use them as an example when people say I'm always angry?
Why did people keep sending them back when it obviously wasn't working?
Why is going on my daily hike a real high point of my day?
Why am I surprised that I enjoy these nature walks?
Why is it very peaceful?
Why did I almost get attacked by a dog while going on my hike?
Why did the owner not have the dog on a leash even though it's the law?
Why did this dog startle me out of my peacefulness?
Why am I not even scared of most dogs, but that dog looked vicious?
Why did this kid #WIN even though he's grounded for life?
Why would that have been me if I heard that phrase while in school?
Why was it even funnier because the dad gave him props?
Why am I waiting on more whys?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why Wednesday?!

Why did I LOL at the above application?
Why would I be that parent?
Why is it over the top yet so appropriate?
Why do all companies need to have these terms for dishonesty?
Why is this necessary nowadays?
Why has this blog been running for over a year now?
Why has time flown?
Why am I not pleased at its...progress?
Why did I just find out House Hunters is fake?
Why did that just ruin my day?
Why have I spent HOURS watching this show over the last year?
Why was I even surprised as everything on tv is scripted?
Why did this information still just hurt my heart?
Why will I still be watching now that I know the formula?
Why is this true with every show on HGTV?
Why did I not even consider that these shows were "reality tv" because there was no ratchetness?
Why will I just have to go back to watching regular tv?
Why am I seasons behind on all my favorite shows?
Why will I be having netflix, hulu and bootleg site marathons to catch up?
Why are banana/peanut butter/chocolate shakes the business?
Why will this actually make me want to eat bananas?
Why is my vision so much clearer with these new contacts?
Why does my vision keep getting worse and worse?
Why do I want to get lasik but I don't want to end up blind?
Why do I not trust how many successful surgeries the place had because I don't want to be that one out of how many people who it messes up on?
Why did I not know that vegetarians eat babies? lol

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why Wednesday?!

Why is the above message so similar to something I would write?
Why did I LOL for a while at this boy?
Why is the act disgusting, but hilarious?
Why am I whyless today?
Why am I hopinh no one will notice I post more pics when I have nothing to why about? lol
Why am I bored?
Why did I stock up on a crapton of vegetarian products?
Why did I make a killing shopping and saved over $300 (BAE-BAY!!)?
Why is life so hard without my bluetooth?
Why do ninjas be tripping?
Why am I seriously contemplating washing my car today (who am I kidding, I meant PAY someone to do it since I'm lazy)?
Why do I wish cuz was the answer to everything?
Why should parents not text at all?
Why do I feel bad for the mother, but it's still hilarious?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why Wesnesday?!

Why did I laugh at this sign?
Why am I sure that people missed the sign and hit the bridge anyway?
Why do I like nicknaming guys?
Why are things looking up in Atlanta thus far?
Why is the game still only 30 minutes?
Why do they tease us with 1 hour premieres?
Why was Dutchess pissed when she realized this?
Why is this the reason why it's on BET in the first place?
Why is this the ONLY reason I even watch the channel?
Why am I rethinking that all Virgos are cool (don't get it twisted I am cool as the other side of the pillow lol)?
Why did a guy say that to me and he had me rolling?
Why is he hilarious?
Why am I unsure of when the superbowl comes on or who's playing?
Why am I excited for Oscar season?
Why am I so happy to be living where I am?
Why is the staff so helpful even for things that are beyond their control?
Why am I so glad that I know a ho I can vent to for hours when needed (well a few hos lol)?
why do we need to get these why's going?
Why is this the real reason they divorced?
Why do I have dyac moments often?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WHY Wednesday?!

Why am I sure this is common for most people regarding their resolutions?
Why am I questioning moving to Georgia since things seem backwards here?
Why am I sleepy now?
Why do I need to get blue a nice spa day?
Why hasn't he had one in almost a year?
Why am I still detoxing?
Why is it not bad at all?
Why do I think this will be a permanent thing after watching a few
Why am I still struggling about this whole working out thing?
Why does it not make sense to put natural stuff on my body and eat crap?
Why did I like planet of the apes despite my hesitation on watching it?
Why am I at a loss on what to why about?
Why should people hope that they ask why I unfriended them?
Why is this the first time I've posted from email so there better not
be any comments about typos? Lol