Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why Wednesday?!

Why did I LMAO at this?
Why do they get two chairs?
Why did this remind me of Hoel losing a race to a guy in a wheelchair?
Why was I mad that he didn't say what he was thinking and call the guy a cheater?
Why am I so excited about my newest Apple purchase?
Why can I already tell that I'm becoming an Apple fanboy?
Why do I still have love for my blackberry though...kinda?
Why do I keep touching the non-touch screen blackberry waiting for it to do something?
Why do I hope T-mobile finally gets the blackberry I want so I can put my current blackberry on retirement (aka backup) status?
Why are all my why gonna be about phones so you better deal with it?
Why is imessage the business?
Why have I been telling everyone about it's awesomeness?
Why is my newest toy not leaving the house until my otterbox arrives so I don't pull a Courtney and be all devastated?
Why would I probably drop to the ground and scream WHYYYYY if I dropped and hurt it as this damn thing is fragile?
Why do I think the awesomeness of Apple may just be psychological seeing how much I spent on the device?
Why do I think people HAVE to think it's awesome or kill themselves over wasting so much money on something so tiny?
Why do I think this is true for all electronic devices which are becoming smaller and smaller?
Why do I think that is a psychological study were done, it would be true for most people?


dutchess said...

Why is Miss V going overboard about the ipod touch?
Why have I already had first dibs on an iphone so dont really care?
Why is it cool but not cool enough TODAY for me to spend that kind of money?
Why does she seriously have me debating it though?
Why have I given myself a way to buy myself a gift (ie. get a 3.0 GPA at the end of semester:buy ipod touch)?
Why was Lady C's wheelchair comment hilarious?
Why would I ask why they felt the need to switch chairs as the view is the same from anywhere you sit in Starbucks?
Why is History class getting better and I have hope?
Why did I register for next semester classes and got the bomb dot com,go tell your mom schedule? #lamenessatitsfinest
Why if everything goes according to plan with my classes be 12-245pm Monday thru Thursday?
Why was I estatic for no Friday classes again?
Why am I still clueless as to what class to take during summer 1?
Why will I be looking for a 2-3 hr a day shift for Spring semester?
Why do I get my bridesmaid dress back Saturday to see how much weight/inches I've lost?#smile
Why did I literally sweat out a 4 day old perm playing basketball yesterday with my trainer?
Why will I be back later if whys if my retarded phone allows me?
Why will I rejoice when Feb 2012 comes around and my contract is up?
Why btw should Lady C give up on droid; its not nowhere near greatness? LOL

dutchess said...

Why does Lady C arrangement sound like mine since I'm stuck here until May 2013?!
Why have the whys been coming VERY slow today?
Why have we previously reached like 12 comments?
Why have I checked multiple times but refused to post because I was the last one LOL?
Why has today been good?
Why did I cook smothered chicken, rice & corn on the cob?
Why did my kids demolish this as though they haven't ate all week?
Why am I now tempted to put them in the bed early?
Why do I need to find some cute black shoes to go with this bridesmaid dress?
Why am I excited to be able to spend time away from bcs yet again?
Why do I have a government test first thing Monday morning so will have to study tonight, tomorrow night, and Sunday?
Why does that suck donkey balls?
Why is my scavenger hunt project for history due this coming up Thursday?
Why is time just flying along?
Why am I going to get off so I can finish editing that & looking over more English homework?

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