Why do I now have to worry about people stealing my bacon among other things?
Why can I feel for the guy because sometimes the bacon be calling my name as well?
Why did I not know that people called Romo Homo?
Why is this such a easy nickname but I was surprised?

Why is this such a easy nickname but I was surprised?
Why did I go to a cooking class that didn't end up that bad?
Why am I not done painting?
Why was the guy who lived in my apartment guy precious?
Why am I wondering how he reached the top cabinets?
Why has my tv been off the last two days?
Why did I watch Pulp Fiction and Casino for the first time?
Why were these movies long as hell?
Why did Dutchess act a ninja while playing basketball?
Why would these buttons be really cool?
Why does the stare creepily button remind me of Lady C?
Why are the buttons really good?
Why did I chuckle at them?
Why am I awake bc I had a horrible dream about snakes?
Why would anybody get inside someones house to fry bacon?
Why should bacon be worth anyones freedom?
Why am I excited for the Atlanta trip?
Why is school just moving along?
Why has my first history & government test taken me by surprise?
Why do I prefer longer tests versus shorter ones for more opportunites to miss but not score as badly?
Why did I play basketball for my workout yesterday?
Why was I dog tired?
Why was I crunk since I was the second highest scoring person on the team? 3 on 3 lol
Why did I call a guy a mofo on accident?
Why did I blame it on being black & that comes out while playing sports LOL?
Why did I also yell in your face biotch after scoring over said guy?
Why did a guy fall and the trainer said f$#& it, let's play & proceeded to get the ball to score?
Why did I scream laughing? Not the trainer!!!
Why should I now be able to doze back off til time to awake?
Why will I be back with more why's?
Why is it so damn difficult to register my vehicle in GA?
Why did I get an attitude with a rep for my lienholder when she began the conversation calling me sir?
Why did I wanna strangle that bish?
Why was english also not her native language so that was strike 2 for me?
Why did I get an attitude with her thinking I knew what I was talking about (which I found out I was wrong later)?
Why did that bish "accidently" hang up on me while putting me on hold for the 4th time?
Why instead of calling back did I call the TX and GA DMVs to see what I needed to do?
Why was I dumbfounded because what I was told on the phone is not what is on the website?
Why do they need to fix that so people like myself don't go off on people for nothing?
Why am I so bored?
Why is there a greek festival and state fair that I want to attend this weekend?
Why am I so excited about Dutchess' trip to Atlanta?
Why has Lady C not booked her trip to Atlanta?
Why is Lady C acting like she doesn't realize she is a tad bit...creepy (sorry weird whichever sounds better)?
Why will I be back later?
Why am lol at these previously mentioned whys?
Why am I done with my cute crush?
Why is he acting bougie like hes better than other black people?
Why do I wanna remind him he didnt get into TAMU?
Why does my knee still hurt?
Why would Lady C be dying of laughter after watching any game?
Why did I check out the shoes I bought a month ago to see if they were correcting my ankle from leaning in?
Why did another sales rep tell me the person I dealt with the first time was in training?
Why was it the wrong shoe?
Why was it the wrong size as well?
Why did she exchange the shoes FOR FREE?
Why was I happy and confused?
Why did financial aide just refund my grant money?
Why would I be out of a house, if I didnt have other funds available?
Why is it exciting for Lady C to be moving?
Why cant whipped cream be eatn in public?
Why was I sad to find out Jack n the Box no longer offers french toast sticks?
Why have I reached the 11 lb lost mark?
Why am I smiling but still tryna get more?
Why will I be back?
Why did I have to go to 3 places to get an emissions and oil change?
Why did old dude talk trash because he thought my windows were up?
Why did he apologize for cussing?
Why did I explain why I didn't mention the oil change to make sure he knew I'd heard?
Why did he proceed to say he was having a bad day?
Why did he explain that he was stressed about moving and stuff?
Why was I looking like I would be friendly but u were talking trash?
Why did a police get behind me and it was then I realized I didn't have my insurance with me?
Why am I thanking baby jesus that I didn't get pulled over?
Why do I have to go to the DMV tomorrow and I hope it is a drama free trip?
Why do I think that appreciation for bacon needs to be on the list of qualities in a potential guy?
Why does he also need to appreciate my love for UT football or he can bounce?
Why did I use an expired birthday coupon (only by 2 days) for starbucks and was ready to argue if they didn't accept it?
Why did I get my cabinets today and I can't wait to put them together?
Why am I mad I missed Kevin Hart this weekend?
Why am I sleepy and didn't do much today?
Why am I glad that the whys keep rolling?
Why was lol at Miss V's encounter?
Why do people not think that somebody might hear them?
Why have I been on a math homework frenzy?
Why am I excited even though I won't go back to class until Monday?
Why might I forget what is covered LOL?
Why are we having a review on Monday for a test on Wednesday?
Why does going to school make me not want to work?
Why is my house definitely lacking in the cleaning department?
Why will I try to scrub top to bottom this weekend?
Why does it feel like I haven't been home in numerous weekends?
Why did I just realize that I have a an English test tomorrow?
Why will I have to catch up on all my DVR shows bc my TV hasn't been on in a while?
Why am I getting a home phone on Saturday?
Why am I kind of excited especially since every cell phone now offers unlimited talking?
Why can I be so special?
Why am I UPSET about my damn mini-cabinets?
Why do I have so much stuff?
Why am I sad that winter weather is about to begin?
Why am I excited to use my fireplace?
Why did Lady C not comment again?
Why does she not have an excuse since she has a better phone?
Why am I gonna have to get another battery for my berry?
Why am I still overwhelmed over unpacking?
Why am I gonna attempt to wake up early again?
Why should I probably go to sleep now so as to get enough sleep?
Why should Lady C remember to call and wake me up unlike she did today (yes I'm calling you out)?
Why am I loving overstock?
Why do they have $3 shipping per order and the shipping is quick...like next day quick or with 5 days in the worst case?
Why am I going to bed early like a granny?
Why will I be back next week?
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