Why could I only smh at this picture?
Why does he have colored contacts to boot?
Why is he doing that sexy lip thing which is not the business given the atrocity that is his hair?
Why does he think this is what's hot in the streets?
Why am I more mad at whoever did his hair AND told him it was cute?
Why do I think we should find pictures like this instead of question marks which were starting to get boring?
Why am I still awake?
Why did I almost have to go off on the cleaning lady?
Why did I wake up late, so I was here when she came?
Why did I ask her if she could come right back, so I could put some stuff away (to get it out of her way) and so I wouldn't be in the way?
Why did she say she couldn't that day?
Why couldn't this heifer go next door then come back?
Why did I say ok come on in then (shaming her)?
Why did she keep asking me if I wanted stuff done and I replied yes to every single thing?
Why did she ask because if I hadn't been there, she would have had to do it anyway?
Why was I too through with her that day?
Why do I hope we have some funny whys today (if you have none just look at the pic above and something will come to mind lol)?