Why are we just now kicking off Why Wednesday?
Why will I set a reminder on my blackberry to remind me so this never happens again?
Why was this my idea, but I've had to be reminded over the last month about it?
Why was that drive half-way across the country not as bad as everyone made it out to be?
Why am I glad that I've gotten back in touch with some old friends?
Why has my obsession with SBM and VSB proved useful in being able to relate to some of the ridiculousness of the opposite sex?
Why is it hilarious when I say things and dudes are like huh? how'd you know that?
Why am I excited to make new ones?
Why am I concerned how this will work since I'm not the most approachable person?
Why did I visit Dutchess as work today and her nosy a$$ coworkers came out to see who I was and it was very noticeable?
Why did they have words after but I already knew what was up?
Why are ninjas so damn nosy?
Why do people think that using big words makes them sound smart?
Why do I just smh when they cannot spell or use the words in the correct context?
Why do they get mad when you correct them?
Why does that piss me off anyone (I'm doing them a favor by telling them, so they don't continue to make an a$$ of themselves)?
Why do I hope to get at least one comment this wednesday?
Why was I sad that I fell asleep before why's had been posted?
Why was I excited that they were extended until today?
Why is this waking up everyday at 545 am getting old already & I'm just on day 4?
Why do I have to put the kids in the bed even earlier?
Why have I not done laundry in 2 weeks so steady wearing whatever I can find?
Why is today my moms bday & I'm excited bc I know mine isn't far behind?
Why are the kids goin to a splash pad as a field trip?
Why can't they just get a sprinkler LOL?
Why am I about to pay a grip for some new tires?
Why did the Hangover II suck donkey balls?
Why was it exactly like the first one?
Why did I know this due to reviews but saw it anyway?
Why did I mess up my pedicure yesterday right after getting it?
Why am I glad that we continued whying after we just plain forgot?
Why am I about to get pissed that my mother isn't here yet and I'm whying at the tire place?
Why does this bring back memories of her doing this very thing when I was a kid?
Why will I have to give her a pass as it's her birthday?
Why does this anger me even more?
Why am I laughing hysterically at miss v situataion & old memories?
Why did this woman just let her toddler lay on the floor in the bank while she did her transaction? #ohHELLno
Why have I called this same number at least 20x today & its still busy?
Why am I thinking ima have to go over there today & speak to a person face to face?
Why did a man ask for his balance without swiping his debit card like I would know?
Why am I soooo ready to go home?
Why is my registration tag out but I didn't get the new one in the mail?
Why did they find a nail in one of my newer tires? Why do I need to go back for an alignment because I didn't wanna wait any longer?
Why did it take them an hour and a half to fix the flat and put on 2 tires?
Why did me and my mom go to 3 stores and eat in that time and I didn't know what else to do?
Why do I wanna take a nap?
Why am I watching one of the Kardashian shows and Khloe is very entertaining?
Why is becoming a pescatarian so damn hard?
Why is it especially hard (that's what she said!) when my diet consists of fast food and if there are any fish options they are fried?
Why am I waiting in enrollment services bc they never answered the phone BEHIND 38 PEOPLE?
Why can't I come tomorrow; bc the first half of the alphabet is today & the seond ONLY tomorrow? :(
Why do they come up with silly ways to try & eliminate overcrowding?
Why am I not going to get a chance to get my registration tags renewed?
Why did one oif coworkers notice & not say anything?
Why am I really upset that my username & password aren't working?
Why would that eliminate me being here behind all these people?
Why do I hope they aren't answering any calls since I had to come up here?
Why is the financial aide line 3 people?
Why do I wanna get over there & ask for a reset?
Why are poeple invading everyones personal space?
Why does blinndergarden remind me of high school #literally?
Why are only 3 lines open with all these people?
Why is this making me sad?
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