Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why Wednesday?!

Why am I still awake?
Why did I decide to get the whys started early since I will obviously be sleeping in?
Why had I been deprived of Pandora because of the crappy cell coverage?
Why is Pandora my new best friend (sorry peeps, it happens! lol)?
Why am I still in disbelief that I no longer live in Texas?
Why are there some things about Georgia that I already don't like?
Why do bartenders here make mixed drinks with all liquor and a splash of juice or soda?
Why did I have to ask for some coke in my rum and coke?
Why can people smoke anywhere here?
Why are there stop lights on the highway entrances?
Why do they have exits on the left and right?
Why did I realize looking at my receipt for the moving truck that we made it a mere 6 minutes before the truck was due?
Why am I so glad that we left when we did otherwise I would have had to pay for an additional day?
Why do I have less than have a tank of gas after filling up Monday?
Why did all the sight seeing we did make me see how far from the city I really am?
Why am I considering moving even closer after this realization?
Why am I on a why roll, so I got some more whys for later?
Why will I most definitely be back later?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why Wednesday: Better late than never...

Why are we just now kicking off Why Wednesday?
Why will I set a reminder on my blackberry to remind me so this never happens again?
Why was this my idea, but I've had to be reminded over the last month about it?
Why was that drive half-way across the country not as bad as everyone made it out to be?
Why am I glad that I've gotten back in touch with some old friends?
Why has my obsession with SBM and VSB proved useful in being able to relate to some of the ridiculousness of the opposite sex?
Why is it hilarious when I say things and dudes are like huh? how'd you know that?
Why am I excited to make new ones?
Why am I concerned how this will work since I'm not the most approachable person?
Why did I visit Dutchess as work today and her nosy a$$ coworkers came out to see who I was and it was very noticeable?
Why did they have words after but I already knew what was up?
Why are ninjas so damn nosy?
Why do people think that using big words makes them sound smart?
Why do I just smh when they cannot spell or use the words in the correct context?
Why do they get mad when you correct them?
Why does that piss me off anyone (I'm doing them a favor by telling them, so they don't continue to make an a$$ of themselves)?
Why do I hope to get at least one comment this wednesday?