Why am I just remembering about Why Wednesday after a gentle reminder from Lady C who also forgot?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Why Wednesday: Slacker Edition
Why am I just remembering about Why Wednesday after a gentle reminder from Lady C who also forgot?
Friday, May 13, 2011
Change is scary
Anything that is different is scary. Hell, life is scary, but we have to live it. And although I know this, I still find myself scared of change. I suppose it’s because I don’t know what to expect and that scares the crap out of me. As a child (and now as an adult), I would always plan and plan and try to anticipate every possible outcome to a situation, so I would know what could happen. You know what, I ended up scaring myself MORE because I have a really active imagination. I could take something simple like if I study, I will make an A on a test, OR I could have fun and not study, fail the test which will make me fail the six weeks, which will make me fail the class, which would make me drop out of school and not go to college, and because I didn’t graduate, ending up working at Mc Donalds for the rest of my life with 8 kids and 10 baby daddies. Wait, what was I talking about, oh yea trying to anticipate EVERY outcome is exhausting and unproductive. (READ: Trying to anticipate ALL outcomes is not the same as thinking and having some common sense). Come to think of it...I guess it worked for me though.
Change is hard
Having to meet new people, go to new places, have new experiences is difficult, because you are not in your comfort zone. It’s part of our nature as human beings to stick with the familiar even if it is not good for you. When looking at non-ideal relationships and situations, our first thought is “why don’t they leave,” “if it were me, I wouldn’t deal with that,” and the like. I admit I say it too, but it’s easier said than done. Your experiences are different than anyone else’s. It takes some real strength to make major changes (not what outfit, hair style or shoes to wear....think bigger) ←- That’s what she said! Sorry I just had to do it.
Change is necessary
We change everyday of our lives, we grow older (even if you refuse to admit it), wiser (well some of us do), our bodies change (gravity is a b!tch), the seasons change, laws change, our economy changes. But in order for things to get better, something has to change. For example, with the economy in the situation that’s it’s in, many flaws in our financial systems are more apparent. When the economy took a tumble, more credit unions and banks closed than ever before. In fact, the credit union system had to be made over to ensure that in the future corporate credit unions are more readily able to withstand changes in the economy. It was not until a number of the corporate credit unions, which provide services to natural person credit unions, were in trouble that the problems became evident.
Change is unavoidable
There are some things that are unforeseen and even if we do see them coming, we cannot do anything to stop them from happening. People get sick, people die, and no matter what precautions one takes, or how you live your life, you are not exempt. And even if we know something is about to happen, like when you see a tall person fall slowly, you KNOW they are gonna eat the dirt because they are like moving in slow motion, but you can’t do anything to stop it. Also we cannot stop Tyler Perry from dressing in drag and putting out movie after movie with the same storyline...no one can(unless maybe Oprah steps up and puts her 2 cents in).
Change is good
One thing many people fail to realize is that change can be good. There is always a silver lining or however that saying goes. What if you read every book in the world, talked to people from all walks of life and had lifetimes of experiences, but as a person nothing about you and how you viewed the world changes, you remained the same? You would be as useless as a dirty sponge; you absorb all this information, but do nothing with it. Everything we learn should change us, if it doesn’t, well.... that’s just a waste.
So I this to say to Cartman, I need some change dammit! I don’t know if this change is good or bad or what it’ll ultimately mean, but I know I need it. So "respect my authoritay" or I’ll kick you right in the nuts!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Sew-Ins No-Wins
I got my first sew-in almost two weeks ago and at first it hurt more than (what I believe) child birth does. And before you get it twisted, the braid (in a circle around my head...well more like a square...like you lol jk) was not tight. At. All. In fact, I felt no pain until she started to sew in the middle of the braids and do the closure. I was this close (holds thumb and index finger really close together) to telling ole girl to just stop, pay her her money and be out. I literally had to take some pills to get through the last part and I had trouble sleeping for the next two days. And I wouldn't consider myself a punk when it comes to pain, but for serious that ish hurt like no other. And this is coming from someone who has had almost every kind of braid known to man done on my hair, including crochet braids (and I distinctly remember one time some hiefer did the corn rows under instead of over...woo if you know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry, I feel your pain but, this hurt worse).

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Does the Pain Ever Go Away?
No picture today, just a Miss V original. This is just something I was feeling and decided to write about it.
When you lose a loved one, you always hear people say,
I’m sorry for your loss, but never “the pain will go away.”
When your heart is grief stricken, you don’t know how you’ll ever move on,
It seems like everyone is just saying meaningless words, because my loved one is gone
Perhaps it's wrong for me to feel anger at those
Who are quick to tell me that "everything will be ok"...I suppose
I know they mean well, but it just seems obnoxious to me
That they can tell me that with certainty and appear so carefree
When you lose someone you care about, it is finally revealed,
Those who really care about you, or just wish you ill will
Your true friends and family in their actions they’ll show,
What they really think about you and you won’t feel so low
Loss brings out the worst, what people try to hide inside
And your conscience you’ll have to rely on to be your guide.
Because along with the pain of the loss you’ll have to deal
With the evil people show, everything will feel surreal.
When you lose someone who is your heart and soul,
Pushing those feelings of pain out of your mind is your only goal.
Some sense of normalcy is all that you seek,
Because the thought of your loss makes you want to weep.
The memories you’ll always hold in your heart
And life goes on, and this is where the difficulty starts
At first everything seems like a dream, well more like a nightmare
So you have come to the realization that life isn’t fair
Now the world looks different, it doesn’t look the same,
Like at any moment someone else will be claimed
But you have to move on, be strong and proclaim
And move forward, progress, and succeed in their name.
So I ask and plead when someone you know
Is grieving over a loss that you may never know
Sometimes they just need for you to say,
One day, someday, the pain will go away.