Thursday, May 5, 2011

Does the Pain Ever Go Away?

No picture today, just a Miss V original. This is just something I was feeling and decided to write about it.

When you lose a loved one, you always hear people say,

I’m sorry for your loss, but never “the pain will go away.”

When your heart is grief stricken, you don’t know how you’ll ever move on,

It seems like everyone is just saying meaningless words, because my loved one is gone

Perhaps it's wrong for me to feel anger at those

Who are quick to tell me that "everything will be ok"...I suppose

I know they mean well, but it just seems obnoxious to me

That they can tell me that with certainty and appear so carefree

When you lose someone you care about, it is finally revealed,

Those who really care about you, or just wish you ill will

Your true friends and family in their actions they’ll show,

What they really think about you and you won’t feel so low

Loss brings out the worst, what people try to hide inside

And your conscience you’ll have to rely on to be your guide.

Because along with the pain of the loss you’ll have to deal

With the evil people show, everything will feel surreal.

When you lose someone who is your heart and soul,

Pushing those feelings of pain out of your mind is your only goal.

Some sense of normalcy is all that you seek,

Because the thought of your loss makes you want to weep.

The memories you’ll always hold in your heart

And life goes on, and this is where the difficulty starts

At first everything seems like a dream, well more like a nightmare

So you have come to the realization that life isn’t fair

Now the world looks different, it doesn’t look the same,

Like at any moment someone else will be claimed

But you have to move on, be strong and proclaim

And move forward, progress, and succeed in their name.

So I ask and plead when someone you know

Is grieving over a loss that you may never know

Sometimes they just need for you to say,

One day, someday, the pain will go away.


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