Why am I still awake?
Why did I oversleep last night with my alarm going off for an HOUR and a HALF with my song/the alarm (All of the Lights) playing loudly after waking up enough to push snooze?
Why did it just serve as the background music in my dream?
Why did it work on so many levels and made my dream that much more awesome?
Why was there a bad ass car chase with motorcycles and other badassery?
Why was there action and violence as well as a little comedy and drama?
Why was I running from the cops (in my dream of course, don’t wanna have them think I’m resisting smh)?
Why do I wish I could remember my entire dream because it would make an AWESOME movie?
Why do I already have the theme music (songs from Kanye’s new album)?
Why was I almost late to work because of it, but upset that I couldn’t finish my dream?
Why does this mean that I need to change my alarm from that song?
Why did I start doing my why’s yesterday, so I wouldn’t forget anything?
Why will I be back later once other people post some whys?
Why do I need to be sleep, but I took a 3 hour nap and had some soda, so I'm up now?
Why has professionalism DIED?
Why is R. Kelly still making songs & butchering them?
Why doesnt someone tell him its past his time & no one cares anymore?
Why was miss v up at the start of the day posting why's :)?
Why did I lol (literally) when she overslept for 1.5 hrs? #notfunny
Why did I think that was impossible?
Why am I soo tired this morning?
Why do I sometimes think my life is so janky?
Why am I starting to believe that I'm allergic to bs & I'm having a reaction?
Why isn't my job more enjoyable?
Why don't people have giveaways (that I can actually win) anymore?
Why do we have to grow up?
Why can't we remain clueless young children?
Why am I now waiting for whoever is going to post more why's?
Why does Texas suck donkey balls?
Why do they expect me to pay to register my vehicle for the full year even though I plan on moving in 2 months?
Why do they not even offer refunds if I move unless the vehicle is totaled right after OR I sell my car?
Why was I told that AFTER I pay, I can come in to see if they will allow me to complete an application for a refund?
Why tell me this ish KNOWING what the damn policy is, so not only will I have wasted my money but also my time by going in there?
Why have I been doing research and even janky, broke ass California offers a refund once your vehicle is registered in another state, but Texas doesn't?
Why do they think I want to just give my damn money away AND have to pay to register my vehicle in another state?
Why am I contemplating saying F it and taking my chances for 2 months?
Why do they make otherwise law-abiding citizens contemplate breaking laws?
Why did I look up how much the ticket would be if I got stopped with an expired registration sticker?
Why will it be another $108, plus $20 court costs, AND you still have to pay for the registration sticker plus 20% because you didn't register on time?
Why am I just damned if I do and damned if I don't?
Why will I be penalized for not paying, but they just get to keep my damn money for 10 months that don't benefit me AT ALL?
Why am I too damn through with this bull?
Why will I be back with yet some more (hopefully happier) whys?
Why are lady c & miss v so similar yet again?
Why all this running late?
Why did I agree with lady c, we should've had an EMERGENCY why on Monday lol?
Why was Monday my off day but I stayed gone a full 8 hrs with only 1 hr for lunch like a regular work day?
Why was I just as tired Tuesday as if I had worked?
Why do people take petty things so seriously?
Why am I planning on calling in next week?
Why did I stop to get gas this morning bc I was lazy to do it yesterday?
Why was there NOT a soul there (like I like it)?
Why do I have a feeling that there will be more why's?
Why did I have a WHOLE set of whys dedicated to the nincompoopery that is the Texas registration process and both Dutchess AND Lady C don't know why I'm pissed?
Why did I oversleep AGAIN just like the night before minus the dream part?
Why do I need to just leave the naps alone, since that's the only thing that's changed thus far?
Why did we get an memo about March Madness brackets saying that it's gambling and we can't gamble at work?
Why do they even care?
Why are they trying to dictate everything we do, first wikileaks and now this?
Why do I even care since I've never done brackets and probably won't?
Why does this MAKE me want to though just like with wikileaks?
Why can we not gamble gamble at work, but there's nothing wrong with gossipping about other people's business?
Why do people ask questions and do what they want anyway?
Why even take the time to ask me?
Why even fix your mouth to ask me when you know what you're gonna do?
Why is Lady C trying to call me out (They ARE words son!)?
Why do I lol at R. Kelly (Stop it Sir!)?
Why does he just RUIN every song he is on (talking about his “lemonade” on customer remix, no bueno)?
Why am I about to post a TON of whys from my New Mexico trip?
Why was New Mexico dry as hell?
Why was my skin so dry that it was looking leathery and like I just played in powder?
Why was I drinking water like it was the best thing on the planet when I hate water?
Why is that the most water I’ve ever drunk like almost ever?
Why after all that water was I still dehydrated?
Why did Fedex almost have me cuss them out not taking our boxes after we worked like 3 days packing them because they had lids?
Why is this the ONLY place (in the U. S.)that did that, we never had any problems shipping the SAME boxes before?
Why then did I call Fedex to get a pickup and got to speak to someone who spoke English as a second language?
Why did he try to give me a 8-hour window when they could pick up the boxes?
Why didn’t he understand the words that were coming out of my mouth?
Why after 5 minutes did I tell him that I needed to talk to someone else, because having to repeat myself was not working for me and I needed someone who spoke English as their first language?
Why did he not even try to argue (I was NOT playing with him)?
Why did his supervisor speak English, but had issues as well, so I had to repeat myself again?
Why are there still more, but Imma give yall a chance to take these in?
Why are there so many why's? Lol
Why is texas laws so different from other states?
Why does the march madness happen every year?
Why did nate dogg pass away :( ?
Why were we birthday buddies?
Why was I supposed to get off at 2 but am just now leaving?
Why is my life so hectic?
Why am I wanting 3 daiquiris & a good nap?
Why is it ONLY wdenesday?
Why are these the last of my pre-wednesday why's?
Why did I start doing my why’s yesterday, so I wouldn’t forget anything?
Why did I leave my credit card at the airport somehow?
Why can't I figure out how it got out of my pocket?
Why did my bags get searched at the airport because I had a tiny swiss army knife inside my purse which was inside of my backpack that I totally forgot about?
Why did the guy pull out all my feminine products and put them on the table and all I could do was smh?
Why did he think my happy bunny mint tin that say Poison Mints for friends was cute?
Why did he also compliment my purse and as well at the color…HOT PINK?
Why did he get the #sideeye because he didn’t look like he was on Team Tang until he made that comment?
Why did he ask if I wanted to go back to the front and check the knife and I was like “nope, you can keep it?”
Why did I get that damn thing free from another liquidated credit union?
Why is this not the first time I’m been stopped?
Why was I previously stopped because I had yogurt that was over 3 oz and I didn’t even think about it, since I don’t consider yogurt to be a liquid or cream?
Why was I also stopped because I had my tire pressure monitor in my purse and the machine read it as a gun?
Why am I scared they may put me on the do not fly list when I’m just a little loopy and a ditz?
Why did I lol (literally) at miss v poor travel experiences?
Why did I just have like 15 why's & hit the wrong button so they got erased?
Why do women get manis & pedis to make them feel prettier?
Why are atrocious feet called "dawgs" or "gators"?
Why do some people think $20 will help their "dawgs"?
Why does everyone think sandals are appropriate in the summer?
Why do I want to scream everyone isn't sandal ready?
Why does lady c remind me of the shake weight & its nonsense?
Why does it look so inappropriate, no matter how effective?
Why did I wait 1.9 hrs to see the dr?
Why did I want him to pay me for wasting my time?
Why is he still even practicing?
Why do kids say the darnest things?
Why are kids so much more manageable while sick?
Why is school being out showing how dead bcs really is?
Why is spring break almost over?
Why did I just get peed on :( ?
Why is a mothers job never done?
Why do I want beyonce to come to bcs or houston so I watch her werk?
WHY did no one tell me that Kanye West and a lots of non-rock people (read: relevant artists) would be performing here in Austin on Saturday?
Why did I miss rsvping via text by like an hour since I JUST found out?
Why do I wanna try to find a way to sneak in?
Why am I contemplating just going there trying to get in and if I cant, just taking someone's rsvp from them?
Why do I wanna ask if anyone here knew about it, but don't wanna have to straight flip out if they say "yea, didn't you know?"
Why would I go to JAIL if someone told me that as pissed as I am about it anymore?
Why am I still listening to his latest album because it's the bomb dot com?
Why am I gonna miss out on the ONLY person worth seeing (IMO)?
Why am I just done now?
Why can't I leave because I got here late though?
Why will I be back later with more whys hopefully?
Why am i finally having a moment alone to read & ENJOY these whys?
Why does lady c & miss v have some funny tidbits to add to almost everything?
Why do i enjoy this why Wednesday theme WEEKLY?
Why is Denzels' new movie "unstoppable" another good thing to add to his collection?
Why is Will Smith such a good actor as well?
Why am i wishing I had enough vacation time to be off for a week & catch up on the latest movies?
Why does "the Game" only have TWO episodes left FOR THE SEASON?
Why am i hoping the next season starts in a month plus is moved to hourly segments?
Why is wedgies called bites?
Why am i now thinking they were referring to the butt cheecks biting the draws LOL?.....rotfl
Why did i just need a moment?
Why is my plan to call in next week already a bust bc i would be short my 40 hrs?
why does miss v seem like she is ready to catch a case?
why so violent? lol
Why have we set a record AGAIN? :)
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