Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wiggity Why Wednesday?!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Why Wednesday?!
Why am I still awake?
Why did I oversleep last night with my alarm going off for an HOUR and a HALF with my song/the alarm (All of the Lights) playing loudly after waking up enough to push snooze?
Why did it just serve as the background music in my dream?
Why did it work on so many levels and made my dream that much more awesome?
Why was there a bad ass car chase with motorcycles and other badassery?
Why was there action and violence as well as a little comedy and drama?
Why was I running from the cops (in my dream of course, don’t wanna have them think I’m resisting smh)?
Why do I wish I could remember my entire dream because it would make an AWESOME movie?
Why do I already have the theme music (songs from Kanye’s new album)?
Why was I almost late to work because of it, but upset that I couldn’t finish my dream?
Why does this mean that I need to change my alarm from that song?
Why did I start doing my why’s yesterday, so I wouldn’t forget anything?
Why will I be back later once other people post some whys?
Why do I need to be sleep, but I took a 3 hour nap and had some soda, so I'm up now?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
REVIEW: Split Ender
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Why Wednesday?!
Why is Macy’s selling stirrups (that fad went away, why is it back)?
Why does mean that the dreaded fanny packs may be making a comeback as well?
Why do I wanna hurt whoever thought that was a good idea?
Why did I spend over an hour in the grocery store because they keep moving things around and I couldn't find what I was looking for?
Why did I have trouble finding the lemon juice at the grocery store, only to find it on the JUICE isle?
Why do they have the little bottles by the produce and the big bottles in a different place?
Why was this lady hacking and said I could sit by her?
Why did I decline, because I was not trying to get WHATEVER it is she had?
Why do we get to wear jeans all next week for the rodeo?
Why are we celebrating the rodeo?
Why am I instead gonna celebrate it as my half-birthday week…or spring break?
Why did one of my coworkers suggest we dress up in animal costumes, so we can be a petting zoo?
Why can’t I find a GOOD reason to keep cable as I don’t watch t.v. and it is a waste of money?
Why will I be back later with more whys?
Monday, March 7, 2011
My First Henna
I did my henna treatment per instructions by Curlynikki and Naturally Curly’s Evelyn’s video here (also featured on CurlyNikki). I did a combination of the 2 methods (mostly using CN’s method and adding a few things I saw in Evelyn’s video).
I used the following ingredients:
-100 grams of Jamila henna Summer 2010 crop
-3 green tea bags
-1 ½ cups of almost boiling water
-2 tablespoons of honey
-Oyin’s Honey Hemp Conditioner (I don’t have the exact measurement, I just squeezed some in)
-A shirt, you don't mind getting dirty
-A pair of disposable gloves
I poured the package of henna into a plastic bowl. Then I placed the tea bags and the water into a pourable measuring cup to steep for 5 minutes. I then slowly poured the tea into the henna, stirring as I went along to get a cake batter consistency. Next, I added the honey and conditioner, put the top on the bowl to sit while I washed and conditioned my hair. I washed my hair with a mix of Dr. Bronner’s baby mild liquid soap and Oyin’s Honeywash and conditioned with a cheapy conditioner (Suave Naturals Tropical coconut). I was so caught up in taking pictures of the hair that I didn’t photograph the steps prior, I’m getting better though as you will see below.
I applied the henna to each section starting at the back forward. The pictures below are of my hair after the henna mixture has been applied to the back half of my head (craptacular angles are due to me having the wet henna gloves on).
The next pictures are of my hair completely covered with the henna. I used the entire mixture, so next time I'll be using a box and a half of the Jamila henna because my hair didn't look nearly as covered as I saw other people's.
Next I pulled all my hair to the top of my head (sorry no pictures of this, the sides kept falling as I tried to pick up the camera and needless to say, it's a GOOD thing I even finished taking pictures because it was pissing me off! Grr). Then I put on a plastic cap and a headband (don't I look like a black ninja or some ish lol)
I left the henna on my hair for 6 hours (I was thinking 4, but then I got lazy, but not lazy enough to leave it on longer as I didn't want my that much color if any to my hair)
Here are some pictures of my hair after taking off my ninja gear, before I wash the henna out
Next I filled the tub with water almost to the top and dunked my head a few times.
My Tub Before: And After:
It looked so gross, but the vast majority of the henna was in the tub, not in my hair, so I wasn't too bothered.
So now here's what my hair looked like after it was dunked in the tub but before I condition washed (co-washed) the remaining henna out of my hair. You can still see traces of henna, but it's not nearly as bad as it was before.
So I then jumped in the shower and co-washed my hair in sections twice and then applied my deep conditioning treatment (DC) which consisted of jojoba, hemp oil, coconut oil, Oyin's whipped pudding, and vitamin e oil, put on another ninja hat with cottonballs all around to keep the mess from dripping on my face and went to bed (no pictures of this either, it looked similar to the look above but with cotton balls underneath the cap on the part closest to my face). You get the idea.
I woke up and washed the deep conditioning treatment out and applied Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner (HH) to each section. I then did a quick rinse with the plaits still in my head and then I was ready to style.
So the jury is still out as to whether or not I like henna. My hair did seem a little drier and the DC seemed to help, but it's still too soon to tell. I DO know it altered my texture at the top of my head which had these cute loose curls, and now it's just looks a frizzy mess. But my hair has different textures throughout, so wash-n-go's have always been a no-go unless I plan on looking like Boo-Boo the fool!
I braided up my hair for a braid out which will be another post later this week with more pictures.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Review: Maxiglide

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Blackberry…Miracle
Ok, so by the title of this entry, you should be able to conclude that I got my “Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/New Years/MLK Day/Ground Hog's Day/Valentine's Day/President's Day/Black History Month/St. Patrick's Day/Easter miracle.” If you haven’t already, please excuse yourself and read the original post here to get the full story. I'll wait.... Great you're back, are we on the same page now? Good.
So after following the advice of many people who endured similar tragedies with their smartphones on various websites, I sped home on my lunch break to put my blackberry in a bowl of rice (plain white rice) after blow drying my phone and damn near burning my hand, but it was THAT serious. I grabbed my backup phone, put my SIM and memory card in it and went back to work.
Now there were mixed reviews on the success of the rice method, for some people it didn’t work at all, for others their phone was partially functional, but had issues with certain keys being inoperable, screen damage, or certain features wouldn’t work anymore, and others phones worked just like new.
My phone fell into the last group THANKFULLY! That evening, I transferred the phone from a bowl of rice into a sealed sandwich bag full of rice (after doing more research at work) and left it in there for TWO days!! Two WHOLE days! For two days I was not to touch the phone to test it out to see if the rice was working it’s magic, because to do so could short circuit the phone and battery (or something like that...I forget, but I know it was serious). Two days of using my previous phone which worked fine, except it kept freezing because of the low memory that I used to the max. Two days of torture! So finally, the day before I was to fly to Baltimore, I took a deep breath and put the battery in the phone...and the red indicator light flashed. Good sign! And I saw the progress bar appear and as much as I wanted to be excited, I had to make sure that the phone powered up completely and was FULLY functional.
I tried out every key, plugged in headphones, made a call using the headset and speakerphone, texted people, turned on wifi, turned on Bluetooth and used my bluetooth headset to make a call and listen to music, 3G was working properly (or as well as it could for T-Mobile in this area smh), music player worked, and the battery was able to be charged. It looked like I was one of the lucky people whose phone survived the impossible (minus the water damage indicators on the phone and battery showing up as red) due to the magic of the rice... and I guess the Otterbox cover (I guess it deserves SOME credit)! I was so excited, but still skeptical, so I also took my backup phone to Baltimore just in case the miracle effects were temporary, so if the phone crapped out, I wouldn't be SOL. That was over a week ago. Me and my berry are doing fine now, but I still am wary of any signs to indicate damage.
So the moral of the story is...FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS GO TO THE BATHROOM WITH PHONES (can’t say the same for enemies though...just saying). If you see them about to commit this act, grab them by the shoulders and shake them furiously to warn them of the consequences and if they are stubborn (read: stupid) and disregard your warning and they drop the phone in the toilet, after you say “I told you so,” be a good friend and mention the rice trick (though they should have listened to you anyway...). :D
Miss V signing off