Why does it always feel like a Monday even when your first day back is a Wednesday?
Why is everyone working overtime?
Why am I glad it’s not me?
Why did I even try to give US Airways a chance?
Why did they have the cutest geigh flight attendant and I just loved him?
Why did my bag not arrive with me when I arrived home?
Why do airlines even charge to check bags?
Why can’t they see that it just forces people to “try” to carry on huge bags that end up being checked at the gate anyway…FOR FREE?
Why didn’t I realize that there was going to be trouble when they checked my bag at the gate and only asked for my final destination…NOT the flight number?
Why did they call me at midnight (I believe it was them, but I’m not sure since no message was left) to tell me my bag arrived on the 10:30 flight?
Why did the lady I talk to about the delivery of my bag pop fly with me like I was inconveniencing her when they have my bag?
Why did she ALMOST get her feelings hurt?
Why was I soaked after shoveling snow and it didn’t look like I did anything (there was still a ton of snow)?
Why is the thought of having to shovel snow one of the main reasons I refuse to move up north?
Why does that eliminate most of the states in the US?
Why do I miss my hair in its natural state?
Why am I ready to read everyone else’s whys?
Why is it only 9am L?
why am i enjoying not being at work or with my kids?
why did people enjoy being in other peoples business?
why do women degrade other women?
why are men not EVER with the program?
why did i shovel snow?
why did i wish i was a guy at that moment?
why did i want my little brother to come from 20 minutes away to shovel for me?
why do i wish i could take a cruise right now?
why do i hate the cold WITH a passion?
why does today seem to be going so slowly?
why did lady c call out miss v and i laughed?
why am i glad that i can write these whys?
why do i care how many viewers see this?
why do i think of ways to get more people attracted to this site?
why am i ready for miss v to move so i can go visit?
why do i need pandora badly but don't want to scare my aunt or dad?
why am i done for the moment?
Why does Von think it’s funny that Lady C called me out? And…
WHY did Lady C call me out ( I gotchu!)?
Why am I sickened by her happy whys (jk…lol)?
Why did I wanna yell “PREACH” when I read Von’s why about other people’s business?
Why did I call out my brother for not helping us shovel snow even though he had to shovel snow for his mom?
Why did I not even care?
Why weren’t there any delinquents running around looking for some quick cash, so we didn’t have to shovel snow?
Why was I upset about that?
Why did they deliver my bag at the leasing office now?
Why was the delivery guy pleasant on the phone which calmed me down?
Why am I thinking about other items I can sell on ebay since my last transaction went so well?
Why did I LOVE Rihanna’s performance at the All Star game?
Why was I giddy with excitement when Drake and Kanye came out to perform my songs?
Why did I watch “most” of last night’s episode of the game but my DVR ran out of room 22 minutes into the show and I just so happened to catch the last 1 minute or 2?
Why did that piss me off to no end?
Why did I still not make the effort to clean off my DVR?
Why does my memory card in my phone with almost 3,000 songs put Pandora to shame?
why was thinkin the same thing miss v was about random people looking for cash to shovel snow?
why does miss v call me von on here instead of yvonne?
why did i google talk miss v WHILE "the game" was on but no response?
why did i think she was sleep?
why do i think my whys are so long until i hit submit?
why do i LOVE skype as long as the conversation is rolling?
why am i wanting to clear my mind so badly?
why did my besties not wanna have drinks & bowl this saturday?
why are they my besties again LOL?
why do i wanna stay in my current duplex but not want to pay more in rent?
why am i ready to pay for my car so i wont have a note?
why do i wanna go to school so i can get a GREAT job instead of a job?
why does miss v & lady c put spaces between their comments & i dont?
why is it important for everyone to be their own individual?
why do i hope my kids will be succesful & responsible young adults?
why do people think its appropriate to take showers in less than 2 minutes?
why do people think deodorant is optional?
why do people think its reasonable to carry large amounts of cash on their person?
why was person chose as the word to describe body?
why are their certain names that can go for guys or girls?
why is everything getting more expensive, but raises are smaller?
why are seats seeming smaller & smaller on planes?
why do people look at double digits pants like they are baloons?
why are granny panties sold to people under 40?
why are boy shorts sold to girls?
Why is Lady C getting a little too comfortable calling Yvonne, Von?
Why are people surprised when I don’t know what songs they are talking about when they know I don’t listen to the radio or watch music videos?
Why did the leasing office have a sign saying that they would be back at 1:30 when I went at 1:40?
Why will I have to go back after work to go get my bag?
Why is the world against me getting my bag back?
Why am I tripping over a bag that has nothing but dirty clothes in it? Lol
Why did they label the luncheon for today the “African-American Luncheon”?
Why does it look like they are gonna be eating an African-American?
Why are there only about 7 of the 60 people that work here?
Why will I not be in attendance (I’m not trying to find out)?
Why are they having barbeque (typically we have a food that relates to the group…I guess that food is barbeque *side eye*)?
Why do I hate those events because people here are nasty?
Why did a person call here asking for someone who speaks Spanish and when I told him we don’t have anyone, he said, “Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh” for like 30 seconds?
Why did I burst out laughing at him?
Why was that necessary?
Why did I forget my other whys?
Why do I hope I remember those whys?
Why did my niece not want to help me with my math homework, since she says she is the smartest person in the room?
Why does seven-graders ask a lot of questions?
Why ask a question when you already know the answer to the question?
Why do you want to know?
Why do pre-teens think they are grown?
Why are some people so negative?
Why can't those same people turn negative into positive?
Why when I got stopped by the police, he tells me he know I didn't see the do not turn left sign?
Why did I also tell him I say the sign I just didn't see him?
Why be apart of a problem, if you are part of the solution?
why havent we left the house all day but it doesnt bother me?
why do people watch westerns (no bueno)?
why am i wanting a bahamarita right now?
why am i laughing at my aunt & enjoying being away from home?
why is my back SORE from shoveling that snow yesterday?
why did i think i just slept wrong until i remembered what happened yesterday?
why does miss v just have some bad experiences?
why do some women make other women look bad?
why aren't black establishments the most reputable?
why arent more businesses being professional?
why is it when black people get together its always some commotion?
why if black men cant keep their women or jobs would white men try to be like them?
why do people look at peoples name to see what color they are?
why are some names "food stamp approval" at BIRTH?
why am i laughing at myself?
why am i gonna get up & stop the madness LOL?
Why did someone steal my parking spot AGAIN?
Why do they do this like they’re waiting on me to leave?
Why is the “African-American Luncheon” about black soldiers in the civil war?
Why was my only response, REALLY?! as I shook my head?
Why did that department just up and rename the month? Or
Why am I the last one to know that the month changed from Black History Month to African-American History Month?
Why did the president of the company come in here on Friday to see if I would speak at the luncheon where African-Americans may or may not be the entrée?
Why am I glad that I left early on Friday, so we didn’t have to have that conversation?
Why would I have said, it’s not appropriate since I’m not African-American?
Why do I only have an hour left today?
Why is 2011 gonna be an expensive year for me? Smh
why is there a pic of beyonce & rhianna on the top of this page?
why do i love beyonce so much?
why did she marry such an oogly man?
why did a guy have his mother ask for my number?
why was that unattractive as much as he was?
why was i wanting to scream "i need an adult"?
why did i think chinese people couldnt cook soul food, but they THREW DOWN?!
why did i eat ev-e-ry morsel?
why cant i stand people pre-menopausal?
why was hot flashes ever invented?
why do i think trey songz so much?
why should i be done for the night?
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