Why is it only Wednesday?
Why did half of the office call in…yet I’m here?
Why does one of my coworkers continue to tell everyone about their stalking antics?
Why do they think I care?
Why is it still so damn cold?
Why is it pitch black outside?
Why did that annoying Glee chick sing at the game?
Why did Christina forget the lyrics?
Why is this NOT the first time she’s performed the song in the past year?
Why do people mess up the National Anthem that has not changed in ages and that we hear ALL THE TIME?
Why was Fergie tone deaf at the Super Bowl halftime show?
Why didn’t they turn her mike down like everyone else?
Why didn’t they practice?
Why was I happy that they let the other BEP members sing?
Why was I giddy with excitement when Usher appeared?
Why did he almost miss that split?
Why did PV do the damn thang?!
Why don’t they just make The Game a full hour, because 30 minutes is NOT doing it for me?
Why is that silly ass show still on after the game (It just sucks!)?
Why can’t BET just extend The Game into that time slot since no one gives a damn about that trash after it?
Why did I plan on posting yesterday but fell asleep?
Why does it seem like we are slacking on the blog already?
Why am I so excited for this weekend, so I can straighten it with my maxiglide, trim, measure, and use my split ender on my hair (reviews to come!!!)?
Why have I stopped going to Starbucks every morning to get to work on time…but I still get here late?
Why am I livid at Progressive?
Why will I find another company to take my money and not do anything for me?
Why are we required to have auto insurance again?
Why is coconut water so awesome?
Why will I be back later to post more whys?
Why do I love why Wednesday?
Why do people have bill collectors call their job?
Why not use a fake number?
Why do bill collectors have an attitude with whoever answers the phone?
Why not have one with the person who owes the money?
Why does DQ have a bogo blizzard special for the month of February but you have to have a coupon that you can only print once?
Why do fat people always want to be skinny with no change in their daily routine?
Why is it almost payday & I'm not excited?
Why is gas steadily getting higher in price?
Why don't people dontate more to the United Way & March of Dimes?
Why do people think credit isn't worth anything?
Why is fb entertaining to me?
Why do people make me wannna come across the counter on them if they deposit a bunch of money & then ask for cash back when I've completed the transaction?
Why am I so inquisitive?
Why am I not done but ima be considerate of the reader ;)
Why am I loving the whys posted thus far?
Why do I wish more people would post to make it even better?
Why does the sight of a certain person at work irritate me to no end?
Why do I just wanna punch them in the face repeatedly?
Why do people come into our office talking about being stressed and eating up our candy then later bitching about carbs and being fat?
Why do I just wanna tell them that not eating a bag of fun size candy would help?
Why don’t they realize that my filter is on point otherwise feeling would STAY hurt?
Why did Von have to enlighten me to the meaning of Drake’s verse on “What’s my Name?”
Why didn’t Von continue posting why’s?
Why aren’t MOST people considerate of others?
Why do we need to find a similar theme for the other days of the week?
Why am I drawing a blank at to other themes?
Why am I pissed about actually having to work today (it’s not fair!)?
Why do pop-ups (not the ads, the people) keep appearing?
Why aren’t they perceptive to see that it’s done, finito, OVA?
Why do they keep talking to me?
Why would I feel bad saying, “we aren’t cool anymore, stop trying to talk to me?”
Why can’t I just be like the old me and be mean?
Why do I miss the old me in times like this?
Why is the most sad about leaving my current job that I won’t have a reasonable excuse (other than just being honest) as to why I can’t go places or do things with certain people?
Why do I have such a substantial list of qualifications for my next place, that the place I want will be unaffordable?
Why didn’t I bring my lunch on such an icey day, so I will be driving home for lunch?
Why am I hoping other people were smarter and will stay wherever they are and won’t be on the road?
Why is that just wishful thinking?
Why isn’t today over yet?
Why am I so pissed that I can't even think how to finish my why's?
Why was I a procrastinator yesterday & didn't get gas but I had to get some today when its freezing cold?
Why was it $40 & my tank wasn't on empty?
Why is the trolly now making stops at the daycare?
Why did I come to mcdonalds to use the free wifi but can't bc u have to plug ur laptop into the wall?
Why is a ninja in here applying for a job singing some "hood" song while typing?
Why did a mcdonalds employee almost hit me trying to get the last parking spot?
Why did I wish I had a big suv?
Why did I have to use 7 minutes of my lunch warming up my car?
Why is this ninja sucking up snot?!
Why am I wanting to become so violent lately?
Why did this black manager go on lunch to watch "the stories" but the tv is supposed to be for customers?
Why did I want jack in the box but came to mcdonalds for the wifi & can't even use it?
Why did I bring my lunch but felt bad for not buying anything so bought something & will save my lunch for tomorrow?
Why did a man tell me when I was cashing his check that if he would've arrived before the guy in front of him then he would've jacked him?
Why did I not take him seriously bc he looked like he was on something?
Why as he was talking was my hand on the silent alarm?
Why am I posting EVERY random thing that happened today?
Why is my lunch almost over?
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