Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why Wednesday?!

Why did I LOL at the above application?
Why would I be that parent?
Why is it over the top yet so appropriate?
Why do all companies need to have these terms for dishonesty?
Why is this necessary nowadays?
Why has this blog been running for over a year now?
Why has time flown?
Why am I not pleased at its...progress?
Why did I just find out House Hunters is fake?
Why did that just ruin my day?
Why have I spent HOURS watching this show over the last year?
Why was I even surprised as everything on tv is scripted?
Why did this information still just hurt my heart?
Why will I still be watching now that I know the formula?
Why is this true with every show on HGTV?
Why did I not even consider that these shows were "reality tv" because there was no ratchetness?
Why will I just have to go back to watching regular tv?
Why am I seasons behind on all my favorite shows?
Why will I be having netflix, hulu and bootleg site marathons to catch up?
Why are banana/peanut butter/chocolate shakes the business?
Why will this actually make me want to eat bananas?
Why is my vision so much clearer with these new contacts?
Why does my vision keep getting worse and worse?
Why do I want to get lasik but I don't want to end up blind?
Why do I not trust how many successful surgeries the place had because I don't want to be that one out of how many people who it messes up on?
Why did I not know that vegetarians eat babies? lol