Why do I now have to worry about people stealing my bacon among other things?
Why can I feel for the guy because sometimes the bacon be calling my name as well?
Why did I not know that people called Romo Homo?
Why is this such a easy nickname but I was surprised?

Why is this such a easy nickname but I was surprised?
Why did I go to a cooking class that didn't end up that bad?
Why am I not done painting?
Why was the guy who lived in my apartment guy precious?
Why am I wondering how he reached the top cabinets?
Why has my tv been off the last two days?
Why did I watch Pulp Fiction and Casino for the first time?
Why were these movies long as hell?
Why did Dutchess act a ninja while playing basketball?
Why would these buttons be really cool?
Why does the stare creepily button remind me of Lady C?